Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ant Matrix

It's a leisurely Thursday afternoon and I'm watching the ants scurrying around the patio. There are way too many ants's re- d*mn -diculous. According to my calculations (takes out expensive graphing calculator), the ratio of ants to humans in Spain is roughly 196,374 to 1.
Some of the 196,374 assigned to me live outside, but a good number of them wander into the house to check up on me...make sure I'm still doing my job.
See, the truth is that this country (perhaps even the whole world) is actually controlled by ants. It's like The Matrix.
These creatures are "raising" humans to supply their food. They let us live in houses, have jobs, have children, etc, as long as we continue to prepare food and waste it...leaving it around for them to eat.
They know that, if we were to become aware of our true purpose, we would stage an uprising and destroy them...and inevitably...ourselves.
I think the ants out here know that I've uncovered the secret of human existence.
They're watching me.
....and waiting for me to toss out the orange peels from my 3rd glass of sangria.


-Brittney said...

Hey Ms. Hunter, this is brittney o ( ur lovely 9th grade english student...who is now a 10th grader!) I love reading your blog ur a GREAT writer (and really funny) I hope ur having a great time! u can email me @: or

Kannady said...

ant-matrix... GENIUS!!! i love it...

Unknown said...

you have me suspiciously eyeing the ant hill by my garage.

Anonymous said...

yes i think about that too...
if ants where as big as cats they would devour any and everything within weeks. eventually eradicating their existance. Maybe they where that big 3 million years ago.. and have already done so... and in time they've emerged as a smaller more harmonial scale with respect to the rest of nature. Maybe that will one day happen with us humans. hmmmm
chares b

Anonymous said...

Ants are in away aware that we are aware of them aware of us becoming aware about their awarness of our awarness of our true existence....